Talk Walkin’

This past Sunday, we began a new series in our study of the church, entitled ‘The Church According to Acts’.  We will be taking a look at key passages within the book of Acts to learn what the first century saints experienced together in their Holy Spirit empowered assembly, we call the church. Our Lord’s last earthly words to His disciples and to us today were that we are witnesses of Him to this world.  What a key concept for our churches today and sad to say, a novel concept to some.  We are to be witnesses for Christ.  A witness, one who attests to the truthfulness or veracity of something or someone.  We attest to Christ.  It’s not an option as a Christian.  We are either credible or incredible witnesses of Christ but nevertheless we are witnesses for Christ. How does our individual conduct attest to Christ?  How does our corporate church conduct attest to Christ?  Do we exemplify a life transforming grace, one which has made us alive spiritually and made all things anew? A grace which has radically changed our perspective and lives to such a degree that it gives others something to convert to.  Or do we attest to a Christ who purports a quick fix, an Aladdin’s lamp offering nothing more than ‘hopeful thoughts’ coupled with a self complacence? According to Acts 1:8, we in the church are to be credible witnesses of God’s explosive (dynamite) power to transform lives from enemies of God and lovers of this world to lovers of Him and His word.  It is very quite simple, we are called to be a witness of a person, Jesus Christ.  Nothing to join, no system to be a part of, no required volunteerism, only a person to receive and His finished work on the cross. Even though the witness is one of a simple message, the commitment is great to those who bare that witness, for the transformation goes to the very core of our being.  We are changed and therefore we willingly commit our lives to this new witness, sometimes at great cost.  ‘We can’t help but speak of the things that we have seen and heard’. The apostle’s knew of this commitment, for most it led to their death.  To others of the first century church, it meant suffering, loss of earthly goods, family and friends.  They were true witnesses.  They walked their talk. This past week we held VBS at Center Hill.  What a great week.  During the nightly sessions, the kids were taught a very catchy song which had one line in it that I used in the Sunday sermon.  I later had the kids come forward and lead our congregation in the song for closing.  I leave you with that line from the song as a reminder and encouragement to be witnesses of Christ until He comes again. “Your Walk Talks and Your Talk Talks but Your Walk Talks louder than Your Talk Talks” soli deo gloria